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"Sandy has been here 40 years and she has done everything. She volunteers for this, volunteers for that. When she isn’t volunteering, she’s working with organizations for the betterment of Park County and Cody.


Sandy has done a great job in the legislature, and she will do another great job when she is re-elected."

Former US Senator Alan Simpson (R)


Wyoming Stock Growers Association

I am proud to have the endorsement of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association.  WSGA supports candidates for office who value the role of agriculture and are open to considering the issues.   I appreciate that they are a reliable source of information concerning agriculture issues.  They not only identify issues of concern, but to offer realistic solutions to those issues.  I have deep ties to agriculture as my family homesteaded in eastern Colorado in 1910.  I earned a degree in Animal Science from CSU and I worked for the Wyoming Dept of Agriculture as a meat inspector. 


I appreciate that WSGA has a long history of leadership in addressing issues that affect the ranching industry and the lives of agricultural producers including private property rights, water, state and federal lands, endangered species and environmental regulations. 

Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association

“The Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association proudly endorses Sandy Newsome for House District 24.  Her extensive career as a small business owner combined with the leadership she has demonstrated as the Chairman and long time member of the Wyoming Tourism Board has provided her with an exceptional level of experience.”  - WLRA Executive Director  Chris Brown

Wyoming Realtors

I am proud to be endorsed by the Wyoming REALTORS®.  They are the leading advocate of the real estate industry, private property rights, home ownership.  All real estate licensees are not the same. Only real estate licensees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® are properly called REALTORS®. Out local realtors are an important part of our community as they help people make their dream of owning a home a reality.  

Wyoming Educators Association

I am proud to be endorsed by the Wyoming Education Association.  WEA-PACE endorsements are only made when candidates are found to be supportive of education policy issues. It is imperative that education-friendly candidates be elected to office to ensure the continued success of Wyoming’s education system. Given the fiscal emergency that the state is currently facing, now more than ever, electing education-friendly candidates is at the forefront of WEA’s priorities.

Lawyers Active in Wyoming

I am proud to be endorsed by the Lawyers Active in Wyoming.  They are committed to improving the quality of legal representation for Wyoming families by providing high quality legal education and keeping abreast of legislative and judicial activities.

Wyoming Hospital Association

I am proud to be endorsed by the Wyoming Hospital Association.  They are a statewide association dedicated to providing leadership, representation and advocacy for Wyoming hospitals. Through leadership and collaboration among all healthcare providers, the WHA promotes information and education enabling Wyoming hospitals to deliver high quality healthcare accessible to all Wyoming citizens.  

Wyoming Mining Association

I am honored to be endorsed by the Wyoming Mining Association. Mining is such an important industry in our state -- bentonite mining especially in the Big Horn Basin. Wyoming is the nation’s leader in bentonite production with more than 4 million tons of bentonite produced each year.


In 2021, the industry employed 711 workers, including mill operators, mechanics, surveyors, packaging operators and laboratory technicians. For every job provided by the industry, an estimated three additional jobs are created in the community.

The industry contributes more than $11.3 million in taxes and royalties with an annual payroll with benefits coming to approximately $48.3 million.

Associated General Contractors of Wyoming

I am honored to be endorsed by the Associated General Contractors of Wyoming.  They provide benefits and services to their members through political involvement, training, safety programs, and career opportunities which offer advancement for member employees, promotes the construction industry and ensures a competitive opportunity that benefits all citizens of Wyoming.


Trent Agee

Wes & Melissa Allen

Tom & Rita Anderson

Scott & Cindy Aune

Tom & Joyce Bales

Steve & Ellen Bales

Karen Ballinger

Biff & Linda Beck

Neil and Sandy Beisler 

Carol Bell

Jim & Pam Betters

Ted Blair

Q.T. Blair

Jeremy Blaylock

Landon Blanchard

Rick & Ron Blanchard

Bob Bole

Brad & Yancy Bonner

Mary & Ron Borman

Jason & Tessa Brost

Troy & Sophie Brousard

Bob & Nancy Brown

Jim & Julie Bruno

Rich & Bernie Butcher

Paul & Judy Cali

John Cash

H.R. Coe

Marty Coe

Rob Coe

Barron Collier

Rich & Laura Cook

John & Susan Cowger

Mike Cox

Dana & Steve Cranfil

Jessalynne Crum

Cheryl Darling

Bob & Sandy Davidson

Bob Deroche 

Steve & Karen Devenyns

Ev & Susan Diehl

Fred & Linda Dowd

Ann Eckhart

Paula Evans

Tom & Doneen Fitzsimmons

Rand & Donna Flory

Sherrie & Don Frame

Andy & Bonnie Franklin

Judy Frisby


John & Sue Simpson Gallagher

Bill Garlow

Tim & Jacque Good

Sharon Gray

Loren & Cindy Grosskoph 

Jerry Hagar 

Bucky Hall

Matt Hall

Steve Harbeson

Marcia Harris

Jan Hermann

Ron and Carol Hill

John Housel

Roy & Mina Holm

John Housel

Jerry Kinkade

Pete and Kathleen Jachowski

Vaughn & Elizabeth Jenkins

Eugene Joyce

Alan and Lolly Jolley

Tom Keegan

Mary Keller

Amber Kelsey

Jill Lovato

Patra & Rick Lindenthal

Don Livingston

Lee Livingston

Virginia Livingston 

Melanie & Pete Lovelace

Gabe & Melissa Maier

Thea Marx

Mic & Darlene McCarty

Bruce McCormack

Greg & Char McCue

Mike & Char McCue

John & Maryann McGee

Ally McIver

Shad McNeil

Jay & Connie Moody

Sue Morgenson

Harold Musser

Wiley Newsome

Glenn & Erica Neilson

Doug & Carolyn Nordberg

Tim O'Leary

Dani Olsen

Rob & Dossie Overfield

Sharee Paquette

John & Jamie Parsons

Nic & Joyce Patrick

John Patton

George & Ann Pasek

Gina Penn-Schneider

Rikki & Steve Pomajzl

Steve & Claire Potter

Kenny Quintiliani 

Brock & Heidi Rasmussen

David Rawlings

Barry & Monica Reiswig 

Vieunne Revolinski

Mike Riley

Peggy Rohrbach

Jim & Wanda Shorb 

George & Lyn Simonton

Steve Simonton

Al and Ann Simpson

Colin and Deb Simpson

Steve & Mel Singer

Kevin & Pam Smith

Sharon & Gene Smith

Dick & Jacque Stouffer

Pat Stuart

Chris and Betsy Taggart

Dina Tassione

Naoma Tate

David & Marilyn Taylor

Shawn & Erin Taylor

Howard & Kathy Thompson

Joe Tilden

David True

Laurie Urbigkit

Laura Vanderberg

Bill & Paula Voerding

Claudia & Tim Wade

Derrick & Noma Walton

Jack & Pink Way

Margot Wilkinson

Stan & Bonnie Wolz

Jim & Madonna Zumbo

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